
Definitions of entities used within the VZBL Platform

  1. Artifact: In the context of platforms like CircleCI or GitLab, artifacts are files generated during build and test processes, such as logs, binary files, or reports. They are crucial for debugging and verifying build outputs.

  2. Board: On platforms like Jira, a board is used to manage sprints, track issues, and visualize workflows in Kanban or Scrum formats, facilitating agile project management.

  3. Branch: In Git-based platforms like GitHub and GitLab, a branch is a parallel version of the repository. It allows developers to work on features or fixes independently before merging changes back to the main branch.

  4. Calendar: Integrated with Google Calendar, this helps in scheduling and reminding about project deadlines, meetings, and other important dates, ensuring team synchronization.

  5. Calendar Entry: Specific entries in Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook that detail meetings, sprint reviews, or release dates, often linked to reminders and RSVP functionalities.

  6. Channel: In Slack, channels are dedicated spaces for conversations about specific topics or projects, helping teams to organize discussions and share relevant files and links.

  7. Cicd Pipeline: Utilized in CircleCI or GitLab, CI/CD pipelines automate the steps in software delivery processes, such as building code, running tests, and deploying to production environments.

  8. Comment: In platforms like GitHub or Jira, comments are used within pull requests, commits, or issues to discuss changes, request further modifications, or provide approval.

  9. Commit: A commit in Git represents a snapshot of changes in the source code, enabling version control and collaboration in platforms like GitHub and GitLab.

  10. Discussion: In GitLab, discussions can occur within issues, merge requests, or commits, allowing team members to engage in asynchronous conversations about the development work.

  11. Discussion Comment: Specific remarks or replies within a GitLab discussion, helping to refine ideas or resolve queries related to the development tasks.

  12. Event: Events in Google Calendar or integrated into Slack via apps, mark significant occurrences like team meetings, product launches, or other milestones.

  13. Flow: In Jira, flow might refer to the movement of issues across various stages in a Kanban board, illustrating the progress and process of tasks.

  14. Issue: In platforms like Jira or GitHub, issues are tickets used to track enhancements, bugs, or other tasks. They play a central role in managing project scope and team responsibilities.

  15. Issue Comment: Comments made on issues in Jira or GitHub, providing additional details, updates, or clarifications necessary for resolving the issues.

  16. Message: In Slack, messages are the primary means of communication, used for direct messaging or in channel discussions.

  17. Person: Refers to an individual user within these platforms, identified by their unique roles or contributions to the project (e.g., developer, project manager).

  18. Project: In GitHub or Jira, a project consists of a collection of repositories or issues, respectively, grouped to organize and manage work related to a particular initiative or goal.

  19. Pull Request: Used in GitHub and GitLab for proposing changes from a branch to the main codebase, including a review process that facilitates collaboration and quality control.

  20. Pull Request Review: The process within GitHub or GitLab where teammates can review, discuss, and approve the changes proposed in a pull request.

  21. Pull Request Review Comment: Specific feedback provided during the review of a pull request, discussing potential improvements or necessary changes before integration.

  22. Release: In GitHub, a release is a packaged and tagged version of the software, ready for deployment, often accompanied by release notes detailing the changes.

  23. Repository: A repository in GitHub or GitLab houses all project files, including code, documentation, and other resources, facilitating version control and collaboration.

  24. Source File: Source files in repositories on GitHub or GitLab contain the actual code written for the software projects.

  25. Sprint: In Jira, a sprint is a set time frame during which specific work must be completed and reviewed, typical in Agile methodologies.

  26. Tag: In Git, tags are used to mark specific points in the repository’s history, typically used to label release versions.

  27. Team: Refers to a group of users within platforms like GitHub or Slack, working collaboratively on projects. Teams may have specific permissions or roles within these platforms.

  28. Time In Status: In Jira, this metric tracks how long an issue has been in a particular status, useful for identifying bottlenecks in the workflow.

  29. Video Call: Platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams incorporate video calling features that allow team members to conduct meetings, discussions, and remote collaborations directly from the platform. This supports more dynamic and immediate communication, especially useful for distributed teams or when discussing complex issues that require face-to-face interaction.

  30. Worklog: In project management tools like Jira, worklogs are used to record the amount of time team members spend on various tasks or issues. This feature enables detailed tracking of time allocation, productivity assessments, and helps in managing workload and resource planning effectively. Worklogs are crucial for generating accurate project reports and for billing purposes in consultancy or client-based work environments.

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